Elizabeth Ross-Jones, Attorney at Law, serves Edmond OK, the Oklahoma City OK Metro area, and All of Central Oklahoma

Will, Trust, and Estate Planning
Estate Planning includes a Will, Revocable Living Trust, Special Needs Trust, Durable Power of Attorney, Advanced Healthcare Directive, Do Not Resuscitate Instructions, Transfer On Death Deed, and other arrangements to avoid Probate Court for the benefit of your loved ones.

Special Needs Planning
What Parents of Special Needs Children Need to Know. If you are the parent of a special needs child, you probably have many of questions about how to plan for your child’s future and financial security.  Elizabeth Ross-Jones can help.

Probate involves getting a Judge’s permission, through Probate Court proceedings, in order to distribute a deceased person’s belongings. Probate Court permission is often required to transfer a deceased person’s real property when the deed is in his or her name only.

A Guardianship is a formal court procedure where a legal Guardian is appointed to have either complete or limited control to make personal or financial decisions for another person (a Ward) based on the amount of assistance the Ward requires.Â

Step-Parent or Relative Adoption
In an adoption proceeding, a Court permanently places an eligible individual with an adoptive parent or parents who legally and completely accepted the individual as his, her, or their own child. Â The adopting parent(s) then have all the legal rights

Business Formation
Whether your goal is to set up a Limited Liability Company for your new business or a charitable organization in central Oklahoma, Elizabeth can help with the legal formalities to get your company’s operation started in the best way possible.

Learn How to Prepare in Order to Get The Most From Your Consultation With Elizabeth
Before your appointment with Elizabeth, you may print and fill out a Questionnaire for any of the following legal matters: Last Will and Testament, Will and Revocable Living Trust, Probate, Guardianship, Adoption Click here to book an appointment online at
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Get To Know Elizabeth Ross-Jones
Elizabeth Ross-Jones is a solo practice attorney located in Edmond, Oklahoma who helps individuals, families, and businesses with their legal needs. The Ross-Jones Law Office is located in the Bristol Office Park on 33rd Street between Santa Fe and Kelly.
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Contact the Attorney
Do you have a legal question for the attorney or would you like to make an appointment for a consultation? Send Elizabeth a private e-mail. Please Be Advised: Non-legal inquiries/solicitations will not be read and will not receive a reply.
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